What is CSR?
To make it simpler and more tangible, CSR includes all the good practices implemented within companies with a view to promoting the fundamental principles of sustainable development. There are 3 principles: social, environmental and economic. This is a mandatory approach imposed on large companies to promote sustainable good practices, but small businesses can also implement CSR if they so wish.
At Echologia, in view of our values and what we stand for, it seemed obvious to us that we should consider this approach and integrate CSR into our development, even if this is what we have always done as a matter of course since our creation.
It is with this in mind that we have been working with Tennaxia.com since 2016 to make our Sustainable Development approach tangible through an CSR analysis. This is an undertaking which has made it possible to clearly highlight our environmental and societal commitments, but which also allows us to identify avenues for further improvement, while providing the tools to monitor our progression.
According to Bertrand D., CSR Business Line Director at Tennaxia:
“When I answer the question “what do you do?” I now say that I assist businesses in taking into account the issues of sustainable development, thereby reducing their negative environmental impacts and maximizing their positive impacts on social and societal issues, which, for businesses, means reconciling economic performance, social equity and environmental preservation, sharing the value created with their stakeholders and ultimately contributing to the common good.”